"buffoonery", "clown" "awful man", "pathological liar", "jackass" are insults, not evidence. Why is it so hard to see it?
(insert this between the two paragraphs above)
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
"buffoonery", "clown" "awful man", "pathological liar", "jackass" are insults, not evidence. Why is it so hard to see it?
(insert this between the two paragraphs above)
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
You offered no valid comparison at all.
Yes I did. JW's response to evidence is avoidance or dismissal. Similarly, that's your response to my critique of Harris' podcast. This may be the fourth time that I write it and likely you will ignore it or offer a feeble response, along the lines that Harris proved or demonstrated that Trump is "clown" and a "jackass". At a high level of intellectual or scholarly discourse that is unacceptable.
Deal with it honestly and intelligently, or the comparison applies
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
I compared you to JW's and offered my reasoning for the comparison. It is true that I voiced only my opinion. I also implied that most people here, including me, are not intellectuals. The standards for our discourse are different from those of leading intellectuals like Harris.Did you miss that point??
No irony whatsoever. The big irony was pointed out in my previous post, but as a good JW would, you missed it. May I point it out again
You seem to be confusing evidence with arrogance and insults. Cofty
.No confusion here. You are the one who seems to be confused. Quite clearly, anyone with a bit of honesty and reasoning abilities realizes that "buffoonery", "clown" "awful man", "pathological liar", "jackass" are insults, not evidence. Why is it so hard to see it?
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
My commitment is to follow the evidence wherever it leads. You seem to be confusing evidence with arrogance and insults.
No confusion here. You are the one who seems to be confused. Quite clearly, anyone with a bit of honesty and reasoning abilities realizes that "buffoonery", "clown" "awful man", "pathological liar", "jackass" are insults, not evidence. Why is it so hard to see it?
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Your cause, as may have been mentioned before somewhere else, is "I am always right" or at least "I have to be right"
Either you intentionally or unintentionally missed my point. Let me rephrase it as concisely as possible. My problem with Harris is not the essence of his message, it's his delivery.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
The world needs more voices like Sam Harris, Ayan Hirsi...
Agree. Just tell Harris to unload his emotions before he records his podcasts. He is an intellectual for God's sake!
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
"beneath contempt".....pleeeeease
The big problem with JW's is that they have an undying and unreasonable loyalty to a cause. You too.
"Jackass", "clown", "pathological liar", "awful", is just emotional loaded language that deepens the division between the two camps. There's more effective and persuasive ways to describe Trump if you want to undermine his popularity.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
My comparing you to a JW has merit because you dismissed my evidence without a thoughtful response.
My premise all along is that Sam Harris in his podcast did not adhere to the objective analysis and decorum expected of intellectuals and scholars. I doubt he even attempted that.
Sam never proved that Donal Trump is a clown or a jackass, even metaphorically speaking. He, however, has a good chance of demonstrating that Trump is an unprincipled business man, a misogynist, a narcissist, a shallow, unlettered and uninformed person with no political savvy for public office, especially the presidency. But he is not a clown or a jackass. That's just plain loaded ad hominem,
Regarding Sam's implication that Trump is a pathological liar, doesn't pass the test. He may be an unprincipled man who lies as needed when he wants to advance his goals, but not a pathological liar..
An "awful person" is just a broad, vague and useless description that can not be subjected to any objective analysis. "awful" can only belong in the opinion category.
i'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Interesting how Hillary looks like an angel in that Newsweek cover, while Trump looks like a raving lunatic in the other cover. Reminds me of how the Watchtower shows images of JW's looking like angels and worldly people like the devil. Propaganda at its best....worst
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
You are thin-skinned too, and just like Sam, resort to hyperbole, even though you and Sam more often than not come across as the most objective intellectuals. Your arguments are much better when you stay above the crowd.
Sam could have easily lead the audience to conclude that Trump is a jackass, a clown, an awful man and a liar, without saying it. That course of action is more elegant and persuasive. Instead he became like most other critics who preach to the choir and alienate the Trump supporters who are likely to withdraw their support.
Village Idiot,